08/03/2021 11:00 h.

Exposure for the prevention of the consumption of drugs “Control?”


Calella, of the 8 of February at the March 2, 2021


The virtual exposure for the prevention of the consumption of drugs “Control?”, it has been received at the township of Calella of the 8 of February at the 2 of March, have realised 8 visits guided with adolescents of 3rd of ESO of the School Freta, of the INS Bishop Sivilla and with youngsters of the Open Centre.

During the stay at the township have visited the exposure a total of 178 persons.

This exposure, inaugurated the month of April of 2012, has passed for 87 townships and has been visited by a total of 44.575 persons, of which 35.763 have been pupils.

Virtual visit at the Exposure Control?

For more information, consult the web of the Exposure Control.