

Eating Healthy Food


© Sergio Monti Photography /

Current obesity figures represent a public health problem on the global scale that affects both adults and children. According to the 2017 Spanish National Health Survey, 18.2% of men over 18 and 16.7% of women are obese, and 44.3% of men and 30.0% of women are overweight.

It is estimated that one in five Spaniards will be obese in 2030. Food with a high fat and low fibre content, along with a lack of regular exercise are the main causes of obesity and its associated diseases.

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Given these data and taking into account that they are preventable conditions, it is necessary to propose strategies and interventions that promote healthy diets and foster regular physical activity.

In many facilities there are food and beverage vending machines (FBVMs) that may increase the risk of consuming more calories than necessary in a self-service system that may lead to the abusive consumption of foods with a high calorie count and low nutritional value.

For suitable growth, the maintenance of optimal health and the ability to carry out everyday activities, it is necessary to eat healthily, that is, follow a diet that is suffi-cient, balanced, varied and satisfactory. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle strengthen the heart muscles. It is especially important to foster healthy habits during childhood and adolescence.



  • Contribute to the development of local public health policies for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Offer the occupants of facilities healthy product options in food and beverage vending machines (FBVMs), with the aim of helping them to adopt healthy eating practices.
  • Improve food and consumption habits during childhood and adolescence.


  • Be familiar with the Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of Health through Physical Activity and Healthy Eating (PAAS) prepared by the Government of Catalonia’s Ministry of Health in response to the increase in the number of obese and overweight people, developed in accordance with the WHO’s global strategy and the NAOS strategy.
  • Always take into account, when contracting a FBVM service, the recommendations included in the document Recomanacions sobre màquines expenedores d’aliments i begudes (MEAB) en els espais per a infants i joves de Catalunya (FBVM Recommendations in Spaces for Children and Young People), which includes a series of tips on location, content and advertising for this type of machine. This document, published by the Government of Catalonia’s Ministry of Health, has been developed in conjunction with the industry, parents associations, other ministries and institutions and scientific bodies. The tips included in this document are applicable to any FBVM installed in facilities used by other groups, such as adults and the elderly.
  • Facilitate the choice of healthier products. Accordingly, it is advisable to establish pricing policies that favour the consumption of these foods through subsidies, agreements and offers. The choice of a healthy product should not be determined by price.
  • Agree upon more explicit and comprehensive labels so the public can understand the characteristics of the products.
  • Establish a suitable definition of “unhealthy food” and “sugary drinks” with the aim of raising public awareness and fostering active participation in consumers’ decision-making processes.
  • Install water supply points for users, with the aim of fostering the healthy habit of drinking enough water every day, especially when it is very hot or when carrying out intense physical activity. For correct hydration, it is advisable to drink one to two litres of water per day.
  • Organise educational activities that invite primary and secondary schoolchildren to visit municipal markets and discover the variety of healthy products on offer associated with the Mediterranean diet. Recognise the importance of a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Implement information campaigns and interventions on the community level that foster healthy food and daily physical activity.




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Date of last update:
dc., 12 de maig 2021 04:53:05 +0000