
Public space

The Management of Infestations in the Public Space


© Gallinago media /


In recent years various incidents and accidents related to the application of pesticides have been described in Catalonia, in some cases resulting in serious health problems. These incidents are caused by various factors, such as the incorrect use of products, deficient assessments of risk levels and the inadequate implementation of precautionary and safety measures.

Moreover, there have been numerous cases of the abuse of these products, that is, applying periodic treatments when in many cases it is not necessary or more suitable control methods could be used.

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Of the chemical products used in the city, phytosanitary products have frequently been the subject of legislation in recent years: many compounds have been prohibited or their handling and control have been restricted. Currently, the majority of products are only authorised in endotherapy treatments.

The evolution of scientific and technical knowledge on this subject has given rise to the appearance of products that are less harmful to people and the environment, and also to recommending the use of predators in an integrated and biological effort to combat pests.




  • Establish preventive measures in pest management activities based on the use of environmental pesticides (biocides to control rodents, birds, insects, arachnids and other arthropods) and in endotherapy phytosanitary treatments and integrated treatments (trees and plants).
  • Reduce the use of chemical products in the management of pests to prevent environmental contamination and minimise the incidence of acute and chronic intoxications caused by these products.


  • Foster the management and comprehensive control of infestations based on alternative approaches and techniques rather than chemical methods. This methodology integrates health protection, environmental and effectiveness criteria, in such a way that the methods used are proportionate to the problems to be solved and do not compromise public health.
  • Design prevention plans to prevent the appearance of infestations.
  • Avoid the use of chemical products that have adverse effects on health (IARC, 2015). Replace them, for example, with mechanical methods or natural predators.
  • Reorient pest control towards integrated pest management and control strategies. Contract pest control companies that apply a programme based on the principles of integrated pest management.
  • Raise public awareness about the use of ecological products and natural predators in their buildings.
  • Inform the public of pest management actions.





  • Equipaments. Seguretat i ús. Fitxa "Control Integrat de plagues".

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Date of last update:
dg., 09 de maig 2021 07:21:55 +0000