Manuals and guides for localising the SDGs
This page contains links to useful resources, including publications, guidelines and manuals, providing more detail on the 2030 Agenda and the localisation of the SDGs.
- Contribution by the Basque Network of Municipalities towards Sustainability in the Sustainable Development Goals (Udalsarea 2030): Guide for localising SDGs at the local level and preparing Local 2030 Agendas. Provides the guidelines needed for each municipality to develop its own Local 2030 Agenda by localising SDGs in its particular context.
- Getting Started with the Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Solutions Network): Guide on how to get started with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by means of an inclusive dialogue on SDG implementation and the preparation of SDG-based developments strategies.
- The Transversality of Culture in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UCLG): the document "The culture in the Sustainable Development Goals. Practical Guide for Local Action" identifies the role of culture as a transversal element in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and what their involvement is at the local level. It also addresses the evolution of Agenda 21 for Culture towards the 2030 Agenda.
- The Sustainable Development Goals: What local governments need to know (United Cities and Local Governments – UCLG): a key document for gaining a first understanding of the SDGs and their implications for local and regional governments.
- Roadmap for localizing the SDGs: Implementation and monitoring at subnational level (Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, UNDP, UN Habitat): The purpose of this roadmap is to provide tools for awareness-raising, advocacy, implementation, and the monitoring and assessment of the SDGs at local level.
- National and Sub-National Governments on the way towards the Localization of the SDGs (UCLG, Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralization [GOLD]): this report, submitted to the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in 2017, and prepared with the support of the Provincial Council, presents the first results of the efforts by local and regional governments to localise the SDGs throughout the world.
- Towards the Localization of the SDGs (UCLG, Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralization [GOLD]): submitted to the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in 2018 with the support of the Provincial Council, this is the second report on the implementation of the SDGs at the local and regional level. It pays particular attention to the progress made on goals 6, 7, 11, 12 and 15 and highlights the experiences of local institutions in the province of Barcelona.
- Bringing the SDGs closer to the citizens. Europe’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs – CIDOB, Barcelona Provincial Council, Barcelona Metropolitan Area): the purpose of this document is to bring the 2030 Agenda closer to the people, together with the challenges for implementing it, in terms of funding, monitoring and localisation. It pays particular attention to how to involve different actors in the joint commitment needed to implement the SDGs.
- Fourth Report of the Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralization: Co-creating the urban future. The agenda of metropolises, cities and territories (UCLG and GOLD). This report, the fourth of a triennial series, was produced by the UCLG with the support of Barcelona Provincial Council. It examines the challenges of urbanisation facing local and regional governments today, with the aim of providing support for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
- Getting started with the SDGs in cities (Sustainable Development Solutions Network): this document, which complements “Getting started with the sustainable development goals”, provides guidance to local leaders and professionals on how to incorporate the SDGs in local planning and development and provides examples of good practice in various cities.
- Reshaping decentralised development co-operation. The key role of cities and regions for the 2030 Agenda (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD): this text reviews new trends in decentralised development cooperation by local and regional governments in the current international climate and gives recommendations on how to maximise the effectiveness of aid.
- Practical guide for the implementation of transversal gender policies at the municipal level. (Barcelona Provincial Council. Management of Services for Equality and Citizenship. Women and LGBTQ Office): this document provides good practices and guidelines on the promotion of public gender policies in different areas.
- Guide for the development of local LGBTQ plans. (Barcelona Provincial Council. Management of Services for Equality and Citizenship. Women and LGBTQ Office): this publication facilitates the promotion and design of LGBTQ plans by local authorities through methodological and conceptual guidelines.
- Guide for the preparation of protocols against sexual violence in public leisure spaces. (Barcelona Provincial Council. Management of Services for Equality and Citizenship. Women and LGBTQ Office): specialised material aimed at local authorities to promote the design and implementation of protocols against sexual violence in festive and leisure environments.
- Practical guide on how to address the Sustainable Development Goals from the local level (Udalsarea 2030): this guide aims to facilitate the necessary guidelines for the elaboration of a Local 2030 Agenda based on the adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their aims to the context of the municipalities. It also offers an adaptation of the Sustainable Development Indicators to the municipal context and offers guidelines to measure the contribution of municipalities to the SDGs.
(Udalsarea – Xarxa basca de municipis sostenibles, 2023)
Aquesta guia té com a objectiu facilitar les pautes necessàries per a l'elaboració d'una Agenda 2030 Local a partir de l'adaptació dels ODS i les seves fites al context dels municipis. Així mateix, la guia també ofereix una adaptació dels Indicadors de Desenvolupament Sostenible al context municipal i ofereix pautes per mesurar la contribució dels municipis als ODS.
(Gobierno de España – Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030, 2020)
La guia contempla els reptes i les oportunitats de la localització des d’un espectre ampli de realitats locals, incloent-hi grans ciutats, però concedint una especial atenció a les particularitats dels municipis petits, insulars o de l’Espanya rural i buidada.
FAMSI (Fondo Andaluz de municipios para la solidaridad internacional, 2020)
Aquesta guia vol ser un instrument útil que orienti i faciliti la definició dels elements clau per desenvolupar iniciatives de localització dels ODS a l’àmbit local.
La cultura en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible: guía práctica para la acción local (Ciutats i Governs Locals Units – CGLU, 2018)
En la intersecció del desenvolupament sostenible, la cultura i les ciutats, l'objectiu d'aquesta publicació és oferir una guia pràctica als governs locals i regionals, a les organitzacions de la societat civil, a les organitzacions privades, als professionals de la cultura i el desenvolupament i a altres actors urbans interessats a consolidar les seves aliances, polítiques, projectes i pràctiques al voltant del lloc que ocupa la cultura en la consecució dels ODS.
Ciutats i Governs Locals Units – CGLU, 2017)
Aquest document és un manual fonamental per a iniciar-se en el coneixement dels ODS i les seves implicacions per als governs locals i regionals
(Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments, 2016)
Aquesta guia té per objectiu donar suport als governs locals i regionals i a les seves associacions per implementar i supervisar els ODS i influir en la formulació de les polítiques nacionals per tal de generar un entorn que faciliti l'acció al nivell local i regional.
Transformar el nostre mon: L’Agenda 2030 per al desenvolupament sostenible
(traducció al català de la resolució de les Nacions Unides – Generalitat de Catalunya)
Transformar nuestro mundo: La Agenda 2030 para el desarrollo sostenible
(resolució de les Nacions Unides en castellà)
Plan de acción para la implementación de la Agenda 2030
(Gobierno de España)
Pla nacional per a la implementació de l’Agenda 2030 a Catalunya
(CADS – Generalitat de Catalunya)
Aliança Catalunya 2030
Partenariat entre entitats públiques i privades on es comparteixen els compromisos de país per fer realitat els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible a Catalunya.
Compromiso 2030. Estrategia de la FEMP para el cumplimiento de la Agenda 2030 y de los ODS
(Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias)
Informació i dades dels ODS de la UE
Informació i dades dels ODS a Espanya (Instituto Nacional de Estadística)
Progrés dels ODS a Catalunya (Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya)
Indicadors de seguiment dels ODS al País Basc (Instituto Vasco de Estadística)
ODS en Navarra
Visor d’indicadors del Govern de Navarra.
Informe de Desenvolupament sostenible
Plataforma de dades de l’informe de SDSN (Xarxa de solucions per al desenvolupament sostenible de les NNUU).