25/06/2021 13:41 h.

International day of the Fight against the Undue Use and the Illicit Traffic of Drugs. 26 of June


We talk of drugs, the information saves lives

Since the SPOTT append us at the annual campaign of the Office of the #United Nations against the Drug and the Crime (UNODC) that has the aim to divulge information on the risks associated at the consumption and the illegal traffic of drugs.

The consumption and the distribution of illegal drugs is a problematic global, with grave repercussions for the health and the welfare of the persons all over the world.

The year 1987 the General Assembly of the #United Nations established the 26 of June how the International Day of the Fight against the Undue Use and the Illicit Traffic of Drugs with the aim to reinforce the act and the cooperation and the necessary activities to achieve a free international society of the abuse of drugs and of his illicit traffic, as well as sensitise and conscienciar at the world public opinion on the risk of the abuse of drugs.

The lemma of this year is:

We talk of drugs, the information saves lives". The lemma poses the focus at the importance of sharing information, resulted of inquests, data based with the evidencia and promote new lines of enquiry. fundamental meet the risks for the health and seek solutions to accost the world problem of the drugs, since the evidencia and the reliable information and contrasted.

The campaign of this year wants to combat the desinformació and that everybody assume the betrothal to spread real and scientific data on the drugs, and save lives.

For more information:

Office of the #United Nations against the Drug and the Crime (UNODC) https://#www.unodc.org/unodc/en/drugs/index-new.html

World reports on Drugs



It organises the 26 of June at the 13 h. One streaming online with Iván Dario Montoya. Clinical director of the Division of Farmacoteràpies and Medical Consequences of Abuse of Drugs of the National Institute where Drug Abuse of the USA.

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