08/10/2020 17:44 h.

Report of the System of Information on Drogodependències in Catalonia


Corresponding by the year 2019

The report of the System of Information on Drogodependències in Catalonia (SIDC) corresponding by the year 2019, is a system of information that realises the follow-up of the activity of distinct kicks specialised of attention at the drogodependències, with the purpose to provide data for the epidemiological surveillance of the problems associated at the problematic consumption of drugs and to schedule and assess the sanitary kicks.

The consumption of drugs and the problems associated are a difficult phenomenon to be able to assess reliably and valid. For this reason, in addition to direct indicators like the surveys of consumption, it is necessary to utilise indirect indicators, like the demands of treatment at the skilled kicks, to achieve a nice diagnostic of the ongoing situation.

You can find more information clicking here and view a infografia digest clicking here