22/12/2020 11:09 h.

XIII Survey on the Alcohol and other drugs in Spain


EDADES 2019/2020

The past 14 of December presented the principal results of the XIII Survey on the Alcohol and other drugs in Spain (EDADES 2019/2020) that realises the National Plan on Drugs at the general populace of 15 at 64 years and the And Survey on Alcohol, Drugs and other Addictions in Spain (ESDAM 2019/2020) at main of 64 years. The data are previous at the statement of the state of alarm for the situation of pandemia for COVID-19.

The data confirm the stabilisation of the consumption so much of the alcohol how of the tobacco that are the most consumed substances. In the first place, the alcohol tracked of the tobacco. The cannabis is the illegal drug of more consumption tracked of the cocaine dust and/or base.

The ages of onset at the consumption do not present changes ressenyables. The legal substances (alcohol and tobacco) commence at consuming at a more precocious age.
For genus, the percentage of men that have consumed cannabis at the last year duplicates amply at the of wives (14,6% façade of 6,3%) and at the case of the cocaine dust or base this difference for sex quadruplica (4,1% men and 1% wives). At account at the hipnosedants and the analgesic opioids without recipe, his consumption is similar at both sexes.

The master of policonsum (predominately alcohol, tobacco and cannabis) continues are very estes at men of 15 at 24 years.

With regard to addictions comportamentals, the survey signals an increment of the compulsive use of Internet and the problematic game. It has increase so much the game with online money, with a profile of man of 38 years that realises online sportive stakes, how the face-to-face, with more prevalença of men bigger. At this case the lotteries and cross are the most habitual games.

For the first time it has realised a survey at main of 64 years (ESDAM). The principal results signify that at the main populace of 64 years the consumption of substancies psicoactives, so much legal how illegal, is less estes that at the populace among 15- 64 years, with a main prevalença of men.

You can find more information, clicking here.