What support do we offer?


The support of the office is intended for the local bodies of the province and is currently provided through the Service catalog.

If you are an entity or a neighbourhood who wants to impulse an energetic community you should contact your city council so that they can ask us for support.

Technical support for:


  1. Energetic communities and similar mechanisms for the energetic transition:

    Specialized technical assistance for one year in the following tasks:

    • Dynamization: Meetings with the agents involved, preparation of documentation to be able to explain to the agents the interest of the proposal.
    • Support in the drafting of the technical part associated with the administrative documentation that is likely to derive from the constitution of an energy community or innovative mechanism.
    • Support in the "business plan" of the community or innovative mechanism.
    • Data processing: Consumption and costs of the participating agents, distribution of coefficients, management of the information generated by the installation is in place.
    • Accompanying you in the most appropriate management program and support in the management of derived information.
    • Supervision of the execution of the installations associated.
    • Accompaniment of the agents involved in the procedures between the marketers and the distributors.
    • Municipal technical personnel and agents involved training.
    • Assistance in the outsourcing of long-term managers if needed.

    Make your request here - Open all year

  2. School Energetic Communities: Technical Support for Councils, in collaboration with public or chartered primary and secondary schools, aiming to implement one of the following environmental education projects for the energy transition during the 2024-25 academic year.


    • 50/50 Project for energy savings in schools and/or institutes.
      This project is designed for schools committed to conserving energy through best practices over the course of an academic year. The resulting financial savings will be evenly divided (50/50) between the institution and the city council.
      For more information: diba.cat/mediambient/educacio-50/50
    • A-prenem el Sol (Let's Learn from the Sun):
      A pedagogical support project tailored for primary schools equipped with functional photovoltaic solar installations. The initiative focuses on promoting self-consumption and facilitating the transition towards sustainable energy practices.
      For more information: diba.cat/mediambient/a-prenem-el-sol

    Make your request here - Until the 30/04/2024.

Energy Communities Promotion Office
Carrer Comte Urgell, 187
Edifici del Rellotge, 2nd floor
08036 Barcelona

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Next Generation Europa

Ministerio para la transición ecológica y el reto demográfico

IDAE - Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía

Pla de Recuperació, Transició i Resiliència