2023 | Liveability research creating real world impact: connecting urban planning and public health through the Australian Urban Observatory | Melanie Davern Alan Both Katherine Murray Rebecca Roberts Fadhillah Norzahari | Cities Health |
2022 | Cities and Nature: Planning for the Future. White paper | UN-Habitat | UN-Habitat |
2022 | Ciutat i salut | Diputació de Barcelona | Diputació de Barcelona |
2022 | Review of indicator frameworks supporting urban planning for resilience and health | WHO Regional Office for Europe | WHO |
2021 | Environmental Risk Factors and Health: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses | Rojas-Rueda, D.; Morales-Zamora, E.; Alsufyani, W.A.; Herbst, C.H.; AlBalawi, S.M.; Alsukait, R.; Alomran, M. | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
2021 | Healthy cities: Bridging Urban Planning and Health | Aivalioti, S.; Marta Rofin Serra; Sebastiaan van Herk | URBACT |
2021 | Introducing the “15-Minute City”: Sustainability, Resilience and Place Identity in Future Post-Pandemic Cities | Moreno, Carlos; Zaheer Allam; Didier Chabaud; Catherine Gall; Florent Pratlong | Smart Cities |
2021 | 15-Minute City: Decomposing the New Urban Planning Eutopia Traducció al castellà | Pozoukidou, Georgia; Zoi Chatziyiannaki | Sustainability |
2021 | Integrar la salud en la planificación urbana y territorial : manual de consulta Traducció al castellà | ONU-Habitat i Organització Mundial de la Salut | ONU-Habitat |
2019 | A multilevel governance approach to preventing and managing NCDs: the role of cities and urban Settings | World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe | WHO |
2017 | En els plans d'ordenació urbanística municipal. Quaderns de participació ciutadana, 2 | Diputació de Barcelona | Diputació de Barcelona |
2017 | Planning a Green-Blue City. A how-to guide for planning urban greening and enhanced stormwater management in Victoria | Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning | Victoria State Government. Environment, Land, Water and Planning |
2017 | Spatial Planning for Health. An evidence resource for planning and designing healthier places | Public Health England | Public Health England |
2017 | Designing Healthy Living. The Chief Public Health Officer’s Report on The State of Public Health in Canada 2017 | Public Health Agency of Canada | Public Health Agency of Canada |
2015 | Active Design. Planning for health and wellbeing through sport and physical activity | Sport England | Sport England |
2011 | Creating Places for People. An Urban Design Protocol for australian cities | Infrastructure Australia. Australian Government | Australian Government |
2011 | Urbanismo, medio ambiente y salud. | Ballesteros, V. (Edit.) | Junta de Andalucía |
2010 | Health impact assessment—insights from the experience of Québec. | Diallo, Thierno ; Shirra Freeman | Reviews on Environmental Health |
2008 | Guia per al planejament urbanístic i l'ordenació urbanística amb la incorporació de criteris de gènere | Anna Bofill Lev | Generalitat de Catalunya |
2008 | Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |