

ODS 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

It is about creating decent jobs and economic opportunities for everyone.

This goal aims to promote productive activities, sustainable tourism, decent employment, creativity and innovation, entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises and SMEs. It seeks to increase productivity through diversification, technological modernization and innovation. But it also requires moving towards a more dematerialized and circular economy, and making certain social commitments, with quality employment, job security and employment, especially for young people.

The use of resources, both in production and consumption, will have to be increasingly efficient, and efforts must be made to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation.

8.1 Maintain the per capita economic growth in compliance with the national circumstances and, in particular, a growth of the soiled indoor product of at least a 7% annual at the less countries advanced.

8.2 Achieve levels more elevated of economic productivity by means of the diversification, the technological modernisation and the innovation, among of other manners centring the attention at sectors of more value appended and intensive use of labour.

8.3 Promote politicians oriented at the development that back the productive activities, the creation of #worthy occupancy, the entrepreneurship, the creativity and the innovation, and encourage the regularisation and the growth of the microempreses and the small and medium enterprises, at través, among of others, of the fit at financial kicks.

8.4 Improve progressively, for 2030, the production and the efficient consumption of the world resources and procure desvincular the economic growth of the degradation of the environment, in compliance with the Frame decennal of programs on sustainable modalities of consumption and production, commencing for the countries developed.

8.5 For 2030, achieve the #full and productive occupancy and guarantee a #worthy work for all the men and wives, included it jovent and the persons with disability, as well as the equality of remuneration for work of equal value.

8.6 For 2020, reduce substantially the proportion of youngsters without occupancy and that no cursen surveys or get training.

8.7 Adopt immediate and effective sizes to eradicate the forcible work, pose end at the modern forms of slavery and the traffic of human beings and assure the ban and the deletion of the #bad forms of childish work, including the recruitment and the utilisation of girls soldered, and, at every take the 2025, pose end at the childish work at all his forms.

8.8 Protect the labour royalties and promote some surroundings of certain work and protected for all the industrious persons, included the migrants, in particular the wives migrants and the persons with precarious occupancies.

8.9 For 2030, elaborate and pose at political practice of promotion of a sustainable tourism that create occupancy and promote the culture and the local products.

8.10 Reinforce the national financial institutions to encourage and magnify the fit at the banking kicks, financial and of insurances for everybody.

#8.a Augment the support at the initiative of aid for the trade at the developing countries, in particular the less countries advanced, also at Marc's context integrated improved assistive technician related with the trade for the less countries advanced.

#8.b For 2020, develop and set up a world strategy for the occupancy of the jovent and apply the world Pact for the occupancy of the International Organisation of the Work (OIT).

Decent work and economic growth

Download all ODS_8 information. [PDF]

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