Escorça mill
Thanks to oral information from residents, this building has been identified as the old Sant Maure bark mill, one of the oldest buildings in the neighbourhood, which predates construction of the current Sant Maure neighbourhood.
Before 1936, this building was the final destination for tonnes of bark from the Montbui forests, which were transported to the esplanade near the current Plaça de la Petanca, where they were sold to tanneries in Igualada.
This mill proceeded to grind the bark before it was sent to Igualada. The exploitation of the forest and the bark was the most important economic activity for residents of Santa Margarida de Montbui during the first decades of the 20th century.
Escorça mill
Picture: Raquel Valdenebro Manrique / OPC Barcelona Provincial Council / Santa Margarida de Montbui City Council