Installations that can transmit legionellosis

The annex I of the RD 487/2022 establishes a no exhaustive account of the installations and squads:

  1. Systems of sanitary water.
  2. Torres of refrigeration and evaporative condensers .
  3. Squads of evaporative cooling.
  4. Head offices humidifier industrial.
  5. Humidifiers.
  6. Systems of water against fires.
  7. Systems of water air-conditioned or with similar temperatures at the air-conditioned (≥ 24 ºC) and aerosolització with/without agitation and with/without recirculation through rays of high speed or the injection of air, Goths of polyvalent swimming pools with this type of installations, swimming pools with devices of game, zones of games of water, curtains, waterfalls, among of others.
  8. Fonts ornamental with diffusion of aerosols and fonts transitables.
  9. Systems of watering for aspersió at the urban medium or at areas of golf or sports.
  10. Devices of cooling evaporatiu for pulverisation by means of elements of refrigeration for aerosolitzation.
  11. Systems of washing of vehicles.
  12. Machines of watering or baldeig of public roads and vehicles of road cleanup.
  13. Any element destined at refrigeration and/or humectació susceptible to produce aerosols no included at the dotted rest.
  14. Installations of therapeutic sanitary/use: Squads of respiratory therapy; breathers; nebulizers; systems of water at pressure at dental treatments; therapeutic baths with water at pressure; baths obstetrical for parts and installations that utilise waters declared mineromedicinals or termals.
  15. Any one other installation that utilise water at his operation and produce or was susceptible to produce aerosols that can suppose a risk for the health of the populace.

The installations that more frequently are associated at epidemical shoots are:


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