XXXV Day of the XML: Museums to grow. The rol of the museums at the nurture for the citizenry

15/11/2023 9:30 - 17:30

Hybrid seminar · Room Bonnemaison

It organises · Barcelona's Deputation. Area of Culture. Office of Cultural Heritage


The nurture is a condition indissociable of the social function of the museums until the point that his public programs, increasingly, aixopluguen under of the big educational umbrella and align with the continual learning, the creation shared and the generation of alliances. At the frame of the nurture for the citizenry, the day of this year poses the gaze at the equity and the equality of opportunities.

The reflection and the reformulation at nurture are constant. It is necessary to adapt at a complex society and capsizing and have presents the challenges marked by the Diary 2030 regarding the attainment of right as main how the universal accessibility, the life at peaceful communities, just and democratic and the fit at a nurture emancipadora for all the citizens and along all the life. Understanding that each connects with the ken of a particular and only way, the museums, as a generators of learning, have to facilitate this connection with the maximum of possible canals.

At this day will the opportunity to meet the reflections and the practices of distinct museums that have taken the nurture as a catalyst of his offer. Institutions that take into account no as only offer emotions, visible being at the social meshes and sum audiences but also accompany his public at what gate exit of the zone of comfort and resort a more reflexive path to new learnings.


9.30h - Got of the assistants and accreditations

10.00 - Welcome

10.10 - inaugural Report: Museums, audiences, citizens / Museums, audiences, citizen | Cristina da Milano, president of the ECCOM-European Centre for Cultural Organisation and Management, Italy.

10.50 - Turn of questions

11.10 - Pause coffee (Coffee Palau - Palau of the Musician)

12.00 - Lights and shadows of an own didactic model | Albert Batlles Fossas, cape of the Department of Nurture and Activities, Born - Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona.

12.20 - Plazaratu | Catalina Lozano, Commissioner at cape of the Museo of Arte Contemporáneo of the Country Vasco, Artium Museoa.

12.40 - The éducation, bird centre of the vie takes musée / The nurture, at the centre of the life of the museum | Bastien Colas, cape of the Cultural Kick of the Musée des Beaux-Lyon's Arts.

13.00 - Jordina Boix, director of the Home Museum Verdaguer.

13.20 - Esther Fuertes, coordinator d´Activities and Nurture of the National Museum of Art of Catalonia.

13.40 - Turn of questions

14.00 - Eat (Coffee Palau - Palau of the Musician)

15.30 - Citizenship education: Hands Whither! Hearts Whither! Minds Whither! | Mariëlle Masts, cape of programs of the Worldmuseum of the the Netherlands -Tropenmuseum, Afrika Museum and Museum Volkenkunde-.

15.50 - Play!. A project of cocreació of an itinerant exposure on toys and genus among Rocks It and the Museum of the Toy of Catalunyat | Eva Pascual Miró, curator of the Museum of the Toy of Catalonia-Figueres.

16.10 - Marta Argelagués, Museum and Iberian village of Ca Oliver.

16.30 - Montse Mallol, director of the Museums of Olot.

16.50 - Turn of questions

17.15 - Conclusion



Face-to-face place: it Salts Theater of the room Francesca Bonnemaison of Barcelona's Deputation. Street of Saint Pere Lower, no. 7, Barcelona.

Online: Platform Zoom. Sending of the link some days before, previous inscription.

Eat: it will offer a lunch at the assistants in the Palau of the Catalan Musician.

Inscriptions until November 9th:

Free inscription.

Kick of simultaneous performance.

It will hand assistive accreditation at the persons that solicit it at the inscription.



Hashtag Day: #jornadaXML23



