Smart City Expo World Congress 2022

From 15 to 17 November this year, the Smart City Expo World Congress 2022 (SCEWC 22), the most important international event in the field of smart cities, will be held at Fira de Barcelona - Gran Via. This event has a congress area and an exhibition area where prominent people and organizations involved in the local management of the territories will participate, and where innovative solutions in the field of public policies and technologies for urban management will be shown.

As every year, the Barcelona Provincial Council participates in the SCEWC with a corporate stand, in order to enable the exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of all those projects in the field of innovation and smart territory, both of the Barcelona Provincial Council and of city councils and other local entities that want to participate in it.

Activities at the Barcelona Provincial Council stand (download event programme in PDF format)

Follow the speeches live:

Day Tuesday 15 of November

11 am

Barcelona Provincial Council

Digital corporate tools for the improvement of local services

New viewer of the 2030 Agenda in the BOP of Barcelona. Personalization of services in the digital tools CIDOPersones, CIDOEmpreses and CIDORural of the Official Information and Documentation Finder (CIDO)

Sara Aguilar Ricart, head of the Of­ficial Gazette Service of Barcelona Province and other Offi­cial Publications, Department of Secretary Services, Barcelona Provincial Council.

12 pm

Barcelona Provincial Council

Innovative projects of the Barcelona Provincial Council in the management of Infrastructures and Natural Areas

The Viewer of Urbanizations with Urbanistic Deficits of the demarcation

Violeta Campdepadrós and Lorena Perona, technicians of Urban Planning Service for Housing, Urban Planning and Activities Services Management, Barcelona Provincial Council.

SI_REHAB: municipal information system for housing rehabilitation

Anna Garcia, Housing Office technician.

Antonio Bleda, technician staff of the Management of Housing, Urban Planning and Activities Services, Barcelona Provincial Council.

Municipal civil protection in SITMUN, a tool for efficient emergency management

Marta Codinachs, head of the Section of Territorial Information Systems, Technical Office of Cartography and Local GIS, Management of Services of Equipment, Urban Infrastructures and Architectural Heritage, Barcelona Provincial Council.

Esther Morancho, technical manager for the Offi­ce of Regulated Activities and Civil Protection Programmes, and for Housing, Urban Planning and Activities Services Management, Barcelona Provincial Council.

Tool to evaluate the determinants of health in public areas

At charge of:

Montserrat Montalbo, head of the Section of Equipment and Public Area, Management of Services of Equipment, Urban Infrastructures and Architectural Heritage, Barcelona Provincial Council.

1.30 pm


4 pm

Barcelona Provincial Council

New technologies: how to reduce the impact of energy costs in sports equipment


David Escudé, delegated deputy for Sports, Barcelona Provincial Council.

Effect of rising energy costs on sports equipment

Teresa Sambola, coordinator for the Department of Education, Sports and Youth, Sports Services Management, Barcelona Provincial Council.

Examples of good practice. New technologies: how to reduce the impact of energy costs in sports equipment:

Presentation of the speakers by Santiago Sarraute, Sports manager of the Barcelona Provincial Council.

e-management of municipal equipments

Pep Valldeoriola, Tona Town Council.

Sports facilities managed with BMS: management and monitoring systems

Susanna Laredo, El Prat de Llobregat Town Council.

Control and optimisation of a geothermal installation in the Joan Miró sports complex.

Salvador Cereceda, Gestiona - Association of Catalan Sports Managers.

5.15 pm

Barcelona Provincial Council

Innovative training services through gamification

Enric Herranz, director of the Training Department, Barcelona Provincial Council.

Day Wednesday 16 of November
Presentation and moderation by Sheila Alen, journalist and presenter for TV3 and 3/24

10 am

Rubí and Terrassa Town Councils

Digital tools for improving urban management

The GMAO Rubí application: from urban maintenance to computer-assisted municipal management

Ana María Martínez, mayor of Rubí.

Remote meter reading system and sensorization of the distribution network

Ona Martínez, councillor for Children and Adolescents, Youth, Adulthood and Families, Democratic Quality, Transparency and Quality, Technology, Plans and Projects, Citizenship and Coexistence, Historical Memory and Human Rights, Terrassa Town Council.

Albert Marín, head of the Terrassa Digital City Service, Terrassa Town Council.

Jordi Cabot, Head of the Planning and Technology Area of TAIGUA (Terrassa Municipal Water).

11 am

Barcelona Provincial Council and Gavà, Puig-reig, Manlleu and Viladecans Town Councils

Smart initiatives for the sustainable development of municipalities

Smart City and territorial cohesion

At charge of:

Marc Verdaguer, delegated deputy for the Department of Innovation, Local Government and Territorial Cohesion, Barcelona Provincial Council.

Gavà Circular: opportunities for circularity and sustainable water management

Gemma Badia, mayor of Gavà.

The track to environmental, social and economic sustainability of small municipalities. The case of Puig-reig

Josep M. Altarriba Roca, mayor of Puig-reig.

INNODELTA project, Territory Laboratory for the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the industrial fabric

Joana Sànchez, deputy mayor for the Mayor’s Office, General Services and Companies and Innovation, Viladecans Town Council.

Smart systems for municipal water management: the case of the management control of the municipal irrigation system in Manlleu

David Bosch i Petit, councilor for Industry, Knowledge and the Manlleu 2030 Agenda, Manlleu Town Council.

1 pm

Barcelona Provincial Council

Reception for mayors and councillors

Núria Marín, president of Barcelona Provincial Council.

Marc Verdaguer, delegated deputy for the Department of Innovation, Local Government and Territorial Cohesion, Barcelona Provincial Council.

1.30 pm

Hooked to the screen. There is no turning back

Keynote presentation by the journalist, communicator and writer Jordi Basté.

2:00 pm


3:30 pm

Barcelona Provincial Council

Guided tour for mayors and councilors

Delegation organized by the Barcelona Provincial Council and Fira de Barcelona to know the most outstanding novelties of the SCEWC 2022.

4:30 pm

Manresa Town Council

Proposal for a guided parking system in Manresa

Jacint Seriols, head of Urban Services Management, Manresa Town Council.

Joan Collado, head of Networks and Smart City, Manresa Town Council.

5:00 pm

Barcelona Provincial Council and other entities

Female leadership in digital transformation

At charge of:

Clara Lapiedra, CEO and founder of Aula Magna Business School (moderator).

Karina Gibert, director of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Centre of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Chelo Fernández Rodríguez, head of Territorial Innovation, Mobile World Capital Barcelona.

Jara Forcadell, program manager technological communities of the i2CAT Foundation.

Day Thursday 17 November

10 am



Sant Feliu de Llobregat Town Council

Urban Social LAB, multisectoral solutions with local impact from innovative entrepreneurship

Pablo Muiño, head of the digital social innovation laboratory CO-Innova_LAB Sant Feliu, Sant Feliu de Llobregat Town Council.

Bleta: the tablet for seniors that fights against the digital divide

Isabel Garcia, CEO and co-founder of Bleta.

Watteco: renewable energies, crowdfunding and blockchain. The cryptocurrency-based renewable energy crowdfunding platform

Marcel Hidalgo, CEO of Watteco.

Nearby: incorporating the IoT into products and services to transform data into productivity

Xavier Bosch and Rafael Cortés, director and sales director of NearbySensor.

11 am

Badalona, Santa Susanna and Viladecans Town Councils

Smart city projects

LIFE BAETULO project: a comprehensive and multi-risk early warning system

Josep Montes, head of the Department of Urban Ecology, Urban Ecology, Energy and Climate Change Service, Badalona Town Council.

Smart Tourism Project

Rafael Moreno, head of DTI, Santa Susanna Town Council.

Smart City platform for municipal energy efficiency

Albert Ferret Buruaga, GIS technician, Viladecans Town Council.

12.45 pm

Barcelona Provincial Council

Open Data: from a data hub to a service hub

Oriol Roselló, Internet Technical Office, Directorate of Technology Services and Corporate Systems, Barcelona Provincial Council.

1.15 pm

Barcelona Open Data Initiative

Presentation of the ranking of the best open data initiatives

Lourdes Muñoz, director of the Barcelona Open Data Initiative.