Celebrated the first Forum of the Local Urban Diaries

The local administrations share experiences at the field of the Diary Urbana to achieve townships more resilients, sustainable and inclusive

Barcelona received the past July 18, 2022 the first edition of the Forum of the local Urban Diaries. The event, organised by Barcelona's Deputation was a point of meeting to share and pose at value the work that are making distinct Barcelonan townships at the field of the Diary Urbana.


The journalist Milagros Pérez Oliva, as a driver of the event, opened the day giving not at Raquel Sánchez's institutional greeting, minister of Transports, Mobility and Diary Urbana, and of Carmela Fortuny, second vice-president of the Deputation of Barcelona. Fortuny excelled the betrothal not «to let any territory back» with «a project lives that contributes concrete solutions to construct townships resilients, where go bound ambient sustainability and social inclusion». On the other hand, the minister has recalled that «when talk of Diary Urbana also talk to reduce the CO2 and to transform neighbourhoods to make of our cities some kinder rooms».

The day continued with a panel on distinct perspectives of the Diary Urbana, nicknamed A global vision for the local act. Subdivided at 4 principal motifs, had Carmen Sánchez-Miranda, director of the Office UN-Habitat in Spain and The new Diary Urbana of the UN; Ángela de la Cruz, subdirectora general of Urban Politicians of the Ministry of Transports, Mobility and Diary Urbana and The Diary Urbana Espanyola; Maria Galindo, CEO of Digital Nation and Diary Urbana of the Generality of Catalonia and Diary of the peoples and cities. Catalonia 2050 and Pere Pons, president devolved of the Area of Infrastructures and Natural Rooms of the Deputation of Barcelona. Pons presented the transformative project ‘Spurt at the local urban diaries' and has signalled that «the townships of the future do not understand without the local urban diaries and the networking is a substantial element of the project».

The second part of the morning commenced with a conference on the opportunities of financing that have the townships for the deployment of urban projects, that went at charge of the expert at efficiency of the public financing Alexander Heichlinger.

Later, at a table with local approach, five representatives of Barcelonan townships shared the table The transformative power of the Diary Urbana local. Carles Ruiz, mayor of Viladecans, Mireia Ingla, Sant's mayor Cugat of the Vallès, Xavier Boquete, mayor of Masquefa, Lluís Llovet, 2nd Tinent of Canet's mayor of Mar and Francesc Gutiérrez, cape of Cabinet of Sant's City council Boi of Llobregat. on how the Diary Urbana can be a fundamental element on which pivoti the transformation at local level. It moderated the session Rodrigo Alaminos, general coordinator of the City council of Martorell. The elect go reflexionar on the limits and the potentials of the Diary Urbana at local level. At this sense, Carles Ruiz has excelled that «it is necessary to face at global challenges since the local field» so that the urban diary «talks us of how want to live, of which opportunities want to that have our citizens, to make things very new that have not made up to now, how accost the production of energy kilometre zero».

Coinciding with the day, one thirtieth of townships have assisted at the presentation of the Manifesto of the Mesh of Local Urban Diaries to evidence his betrothal for his development. Some of these have the advice of the Deputation of Barcelona to make it whereas of others have designed it for his bead. The text shows the will to work jointly to harden the project.

In the afternoon they celebrated two participatory workshops where announced several cases of nice practices at the fields of the governança and the collaboration and at the posterior phase at the plan of act.

At the first workshop, “Diary Urbana: Governança multinivell and networking”, gave some clefs to further the transversalitat internal, the concertació interadministrativa and the collaboration publicoprivada at the processes of definition and deployment of the local Urban Diaries. At the second, "Diary Urbana: What tracks my plan of act?", the and the participants could meet some ideas to finance the deployment of strategic projects, assure the follow-up of the plans of act and implant models of governança participatory maintain during the deployment of the Urban Diaries. For the two workshops has had the turnout of experts and of persons especially linked with the urban diaries so much of distinct companies of consulting how of administrations from everywhere of Spain.

At the website of the Forum of the local urban Diaries can visionar the recording of all the sessions of the Forum as well as the text of the Manifesto, that was object also of an intense follow-up at twitter #agendaurbanalocal.

The Deputation has included among the projects prioritaris the spurt of the Urban Diaries to scale local. Therefore, at present it is loaning assistance at the writing of distinct plans of local act among the townships of the province. This Forum has served to share the work made and meet the work of other territories, sharing like this a wider vision and varied on the implementation of integrated strategies of city.

The spurt of the Local Urban Diaries responds at the Aim of Sustainable Development (ODS) number 11 “Achieve that the cities and the human settlements are inclusive, certain, resilients and sustainable”. The 17 ODS were proclaimed by the General Assembly of #United Nations the September 25, 2015 and form part of the global diary for 2030. Barcelona's the Deputation assumes the fulfillment and deploys his act of support at the local governances of the province of chord with these ODS.

Pau's photographs Fabregat