Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

9.45h Inauguration

10.00 h Presentation

Act of recognition to the 10 years of the Covenant of Mayors


11.15 h Breakfast

13.15 to 14.30 h

Split of 75 minutes.

Turn with the wide central subject on Environmental governance. Free debate between those that want to share and debate all playing.


14.35 h Lunch


Wednesday, February 20, 2019.

9.45 h 19to Assembly of the Network of Cities and Towns towards Sustainability


9.45 to 11.00 h

Split of 75 minutes.

Turn with the subject on Governança environmental since the local world. Free debate between those that want to share and debate all playing.

Include tables on Environmental Education with members of the Network of Schools for the Sustainability of Catalonia.

Exchange of experiences and challenges on education for the sustainability, work with the schools, learning service, communication, new methodologies,...


11.15 h Breakfast

Elevator pitch.
12.00 to 13.15 h

12:00 h last Presentation block of the morning

12:05 h Agoras as a space of citizen participation in the prevention of waste (City council of Manresa)

12:12 h Localització of the Aims of Sustainable Development: of the global diary to the local diary (Lavola 1981)

12:20 h Reduction of broadcasts in the transport and the industria by means of magnetic fields of high accuracy (Quantum Energy)

12:27 h Atmoos: citizen Science to the classroom and information of management (Thigis Environmental Services S. L.)

12:35 h Campaign of control ofNO 2 to different points of a municipality (Deputation of Barcelona)

12:42 h The local world leader of the environmental and educational transformation (Network of schools for the Sustainability XESC)

12:50 h fiscal Measures for a better governança environmental(AUDIFILM CONSULTING)

12:57 h Support of the Deputation of Barcelona to the improvement of the local networks of catering of water in low. The importance to promote the saving of water and to favour the adaptation of the municipalities to the new derivative stage of the effects of the climatic change (Deputation of Barcelona)

13:05 h Learnings of the support to programs of energetic saving solidari (Deputation of Barcelona)


13.15 h Cloenda of the IV Forum