Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

9.45h Inauguration

  • Marc Castells

    President of the Barcelona Provincial Council

  • Joan Carles Batanés

    Mayor of Saint Fruitós of Bages




  • Valentí Junyent

    Deputy of Environment



  • Ernest Clotet

    Mayor of Artés

  • Patrocini Canal

    Mayor of Avià

  • Maria Mercè Esteve

    Mayor of Begues

  • Jesus Calderer

    Mayor of Cercs

  • Josep Mayoral

    Mayor of Granollers

  • Àlex Garrido

    Mayor of Manlleu

  • Laura Campos

    Mayor of Montcada and Reixac

  • Carmela Fortuny

    Mayor of Sant Cugat of the Vallès

  • Isabel García

    Mayor of Sant Perpetua of Mogoda

  • Miriam Santamaria

    Journalist and geographer - Conductor



12.00 h Plenary I: The steps to the energy transition

  • Pep Salas

    Engineer Agronomist and Doctor

  • Marta García

    CEO Ecoserveis

  • Fernando Ferrando

    President of the Fundación Renewable

  • Andreu Escrivà

    Technical in environmental projects

  • Manel Torrent

    Director of the Catalan Institute of Energy

  • Cori Calero

    Journalist - Moderator



Elevator pitch.
13.15 to 14.35 h

13:18 h Artificial Intelligence for energetic savings in municipal buildings (Study Ramon Folch and Associated)

13:26 h All those things that your city council rotted to do and does not do? (City council of Avià)

13:35 h Improvements of energy eficiency with innovation in municipal libraries (SPEA) (ARCbcn)

13:44 h Collective Funding and of vicinity "Km 0" with positive impact (Ecrowd!)

13:52 h Putting the energy in hands of the people (Eurosolar Catalonia)

14:01 h ENERHAT / ENERPAT Applications to promote the rehabilitation of buildings from the integration of energy certificates with other sources of information (ARC Engineering and Architecture The Salle)

14:10 h LED Ambre- The illumination eficient and sustainable for a periurban and rural space (Ignialight)

14:18 h The biomass in the new rural economy: Hotel The Yoke and City council of Vilanova of Sau (Atria Bioserveis)

14:27 h ENERINVEST: Platform of funding of the sustainable energy (Ecoserveis)


14.35 h Lunch

15.30 to 16.30 h

15:30 h Welcome and presentation 

15:40 h From energetic savings to the promotion of investment in renewable and selfconsumption (City council of Granollers)

15:48 h Roadmap for the energey transition: concepts, energy communities and experiences in Catalan municipalities (AIGUASOL)

15:56 h San Pedro of Torelló, all a municipality heated from biomass (SUNO Engineering)

16:04 h Optimising the city 4.0 (PolyhedraTech)

16:12 h The sustainable Forest Management like tool of Cooperative Social Responsibility (SocialForest)

16:20 h Mancomunitat of Municipalities Berguedans; energy,  economical and environmental saving with biomass (Termosun energies S.L.)

16:28 h Municipal Performances of improvement of the energy eficiency in municipal buildings and urban services (City council of Saint Fruitós of the Bages)

15.30 to 17.30 h

90 minutes round

Central subject for two tables on Energy Transition, with representatives of:

Exchange of experiences and challenges on renewable energies, efficiency, savings ...


17.35 h Final of the day