11/04/2023 00:00 h.

We have celebrated EXITS it Day of the Local Mesh SITMUN


Under the title "The geographic data, a tool for the public management", have exposed several projects of geographic information and apps that consider of maximum utility at the management of the territory for part of the local administrations. The session has had more of 240 persons inscribed, predominately municipal technicians.

The Day, structured at three blocs, has permitted to show the potential of the SITMUN through projects SIG, the paper of the data at the management of the territory and several tools and tricks of the IDEBarcelona.

It has presented as a novelty, a #new module on the maintenance of the houses of tourist use (HUT) of the SITMUN (System of local territorial information) that permits at the city councils manage the requests and his state, as well as view the cloaks of zones and subzones delimited according to the municipal rule at account at the tourist use l and generate the census of houses of tourist use that the Generality requests at the townships. Also they have presented other projects SIG like the referred at the delimitation of strips of fires and the follow-up of the Asiatic wasp at level of Catalonia.

Another novelty has been the presentation of the products derived of the topographic cartography 1:1.000, that serve of base for the works of planning, management and ken of the territory, how are the digital models of terrain and of surfaces, the models of shadows, of slopes and of zones with a slope of more of the 20% and the ortofoto of 10 cm of pixel, that have as a objective facilitate the analysis of the terrain.

Regarding informations incorporated at the SITMUN have shown some of those that lately have generated more interest for part of the users, like the referred at the photovoltaic potential for the energetic transition, the catalogue of urbanisations with deficits urbanístics, the municipal civil protection (DUPROCIM) and the map of terrestrial habitats of the province of Barcelona.

The last bloc has served to explain some aspects related with the geoportal IDEBarcelona like the geoportals, like the IDE venues of the city councils, the Catalogue of metadata and has given response at some of the most frequent questions.

At the decurs of the Day also s‘has commented that the geographic data are considered like of #tall value according to the normative frame of open data (Obre en finestra nova) and that as a report of #United Nations (Obre en finestra nova) the geographic information is present at 14 of the 17 ODS (Aims of Sustainable Development).

Links at:
Note of press(Obre en finestra nova)
Presentations of the Day at format #PDF(Obre en finestra nova)