Municipal competences at matter of prevention and control of legionellosis

They find collections at the Real Decree 487/2022, for which establish the sanitary criteria of prevention and control of legionella and the Decree 352/2004, of 27 of July for which establish the conditions higienicosanitàries for the prevention and the control of the legionellosis.

We can differentiate two fields competencials:

  • As a titular of installations:
    • Establishment of the plan of prevention and control of legionella (PPCL), adapted at the peculiarities and characteristics of the installation or of the plan sanitàri front the legionel·losis, recommended for the most complex installations.

The plan of prevention and control of legionellosis has to feature at least of:

  • Initial diagnostic with the description detailed of this including technical data and of operation, design and location, layout or diagram of hydraulic operation updated, identification of the points of inmate of sample and of possible emission of aerosols.
  • Description of the programs of maintenance and review of the installation and squads with assignment of responsibilities; program of cleanup and disinfection of the installation and of treatment of the water, at necessary case; program of sampling and analysis of the water; and program of training of the personnel of chord with the characteristics of the installation and of chord with the functions assigned at the operands.
  • Documentation and registries of the activities and controls of the programs, results, incidences and correcting sizes.

The Plan of Sanitary in front of legionellosis:

This plan recommends for the installations prioritàries defined at the art. 2.11 of the RD 487/22 (the frequented by persons of special vulnerability: sanitary centres, sociosanitaris and penitenciaris). The plan has to base at the appraisal of the risk and will feature of the following aspects:

  • Appraisal of the risk: identification of the perils, priorització of the risks, determination of the critical points and description of the correcting sizes with verification of his efficacy.
  • Sizes of control and verification
  • Management and communication
  • Appraisal continued of the sanitary plan
  • How competent sanitary authority the competent administration at the can carry out the following activities of control:.
    • Elaborate guidelines at his field competencial on the app of the RD
    • Documentary review of the PPCL of the installation or, if escau, audit the PSL.
    • Official control of the correct fulfillment of the RD with the check of installations and the control of parameters or any one other comprovació that it consider timely, included the inmate of samples of water that will realise according to what has the annex VI, and his analyses according to the annex VII.
    • Script the sizes to correct, prevent or minimise the risk.
    • Establishment of the census of companies with towers of refrigeration and condensers evaporatius (art. 4 of the Decree 352/2004).
    • Collaboration with the Department of Health at case of shoot epidèmic.


Principal page Mechanisms of transmission and preventive sizes Installations municipal Competences